Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Birthday Hilary!

Nate, in classic form, came up with a most excellent birthday present this year--a piano!!! Last year, as you can observe on this blog, he made me a kite (from scratch) and took me to the National Mall to fly it--which also happened to be the Cherry Blossom Kite Flying Festival. THIS year, he drove a completely oblivious me to the home of the man selling the piano--and viola! A piano!! Mayumi may be a prodigy just waiting to happen:


Perry Family said...

what a most wonderful birthday present!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

Nancy said...

Happy Birthday! What a great present! Play away!

Lindsay said...

You know, Yumi got a whole lot of credit in that video for her playing, but Nate's got skills! I had no idea he could play so well!

Jamila said...

Lindsay, you are right! He is an amazing pianist...and only took lessons for one year. He plays better than I do...and I studied for YEARS.

moneek said...

What Linds said. Nate you can play! What an inspired gift, you are an example to men. Yumi is looking so cute today!