You may not believe it, but I have other interests aside from Mayumi.

Friends...I have friends!! One friend in particular many of you know has my indefatigable travel partner-in-crime Heba. Heba married the love of her life on Saturday--a Samoan guy that we all met many years ago in Hawaii. She reconnected with him when she moved out here and, considering their shared interest in Polynesia, really hit it off. Heba was always into Polynesian culture, particularly Maori culture. Yet, when I first met her, I doubt she'd even ever taken a Polynesian dance class. Boy

, have things changed. As you'll see from these video clips, she's practically given up her haole-ness and become a true wahine. (The clips are no longer than 30 seconds a piece, so please take a few minutes and watch them all!)
Her wedding was fabulous. Nate, my dear friend Marliss, and I went and enjoyed ourselves thoroughly. I took a few video clips--all are 30 seconds or less so they won't take much time to view.
Now, one last thing: Not only was I particularly interested in celebrating with Heba because I love her dearly, but also because I became rather 'involved.' See, she asked me and Marliss (who was staying at my home on visit from Florida) to put together some of the costumes for her wedding dance performances. I'll point out which ones we did:
First--pictured here is Koko's son and Heather's new step-son Kopelani in his Maori 'Haka' costume. Marliss and I made the little loin cloth AND headress.

And now for the video clip of the boys (Kope and some cute little boy named Tavita) doing the Maori "Haka" dance. Kope's dad (the groom) is on the drums and doing the chanting.
Marliss and I were also responsible for Heather's Tahitian costume, at least the grass skirt and 'belt.' This particular number is called an 'Otea,' and that is her new husband for whom she is dancing.
One of my favorite Polynesian dance numbers is the traditional Samoan slap dance. Here is Koko (groom, in the middle) and some of his buddies.
Finally--the dance number that had Heather the most worried. The bride, or a representative of the bride, is supposed to do this special dance titled the "Princess Dance" (in Samoan, that is). She was nervous to be dancing it in front of a bunch of Samoans...but did a MARVELOUS job. I had nothing to do this with this costume but wanted to include this clip. She started out the dance alone, but within SECONDS zillions of people joined her, dancing with her, and throwing money at her (or tucking it into her dress). It was just too much fun.