Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Two Months of Darlingness

Happy two month birthday Emiko!! You are an angel, a dream come true. Who knew that an infant could be so EASY!? We love your big smiles and patience when your big sister mauls you. We love how you graciously accept the many 'gifts' Mayumi piles on top of you.

We are impressed with how strong you are; you are already holding your head up, are comfortable on your stomach, and rolling over (if unintentionally).

Thanks for joining our family--we love you!!
Now--a sneak preview. As the few followers of this blog undoubtedly already know, we had a HUGE storm this weekend, receiving over 28 inches of snow! Crazily enough, another is headed our way this moment, with another 12 inches predicted. I'll be posting fun pictures and unbelievable video clips in the next day or two. But for now...a sneak preview! Here is Mayumi sitting on snowbank (created by Nate's expert shoveling) in our front yard.


Our Pratt Pack said...

She's adorable! I hope you guys are doing well with all the snow!

moneek said...

Was that her first rollover? Wow, so cool that you got that on film. I also tried to do that with Leah, but she wouldn't roll on cue.

Amber Henrie said...

Oh I love the rollover video. Now hurry and post your and Nate's videos jumping out of the window. I can't wait to see them.

Unknown said...

what an amazing family you guys make! 2 months already, holy moly. glad to hear she has been an easy one, you deserve it!!